Marketing Grewal, Dhruv; Micheal, Levy by Grewal, Dhruv [Author] | Micheal, Levy [Author]. Material type: Text Publication details: TMH 2008Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (2). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).
Human Rsource Management Ivancevich, John M by Ivancevich, John M [Author]. Edition: 10TH EDMaterial type: Text Publication details: TMH 2008Availability: Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).
Financial Management KHAN,M.Y; Jain P K by KHAN,M.Y | Management | Jain P K. Edition: 5TH EDMaterial type: Text Language: English Publication details: TMH 2008Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (1). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).
PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT VIJAYARAGHAVAN,G K; Sivakumar, M by VIJAYARAGHAVAN,G K | Management | Sivakumar, M. Edition: 4TH EDMaterial type: Text Language: English Publication details: LAKSHMI PUB., 2008Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (5)Call number: commerce, ...
Database Management Systems Chitra, V by Chitra, V [Author]. Edition: 1ST EDMaterial type: Text Publication details: LAKSHMI PUB., 2007Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).
Total Quality Management JAYAKUMAR,V by JAYAKUMAR,V | Management. Edition: 5TH EDMaterial type: Text Publication details: LAKSHMI PUB., 2008Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (3). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1). Not available: AVIT Central Library: Withdrawn (1).
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Principles Of Management BAGAD,VILAS S by BAGAD,VILAS S | Management. Edition: 2ND EDMaterial type: Text Language: English Publication details: TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 2008Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (2). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1). Not available: AVIT Central Library: Damaged (1). AVIT Central Library: Lost (1).
Total Quality Management ( Sem- VII) BAGAD,VILAS S by BAGAD,VILAS S | Management. Material type: Text Language: English Publication details: TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 2008Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (3). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1). Not available: AVIT Central Library: Lost (1).
Professional Ethics And Human Values BAGAD,VILAS S; Dhotre, I A by BAGAD,VILAS S | Management | Dhotre, I A. Edition: 1ST EDMaterial type: Text Language: English Publication details: TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 2007Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (1). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1). Not available: AVIT Central Library: Lost (3).
Management: Theory And Practice Gupta, C B by Gupta, C B [Author]. Edition: 10TH EDMaterial type: Text Publication details: SULTAN CHAND & SONS 2007Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (2)Call number: commerce, ... Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).
Human Resource Development TRIPATHI,P.C by TRIPATHI,P.C [Author]. Edition: 5TH EDMaterial type: Text Publication details: SULTAN CHAND & SONS 2007Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (2). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).
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