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Your search returned 606 results.

Numerical Heat Transfer And Fluid Flow Series In Computational Methods In Mechanics And Thermal Sciences Patankar Suhas V

by Patankar Suhas V [Author].

Edition: 2011Material type: Text Text Publication details: Taylor And Francis 2011Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4)Call number: 629.113, ... Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 629.113.

Structural Dynamics: Vibrations And Systems Vibrations And Systems Madhujit Mukhopadhyay

by Madhujit Mukhopadhyay [Author].

Edition: 2011Material type: Text Text Publication details: Ane Books 2011Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4)Call number: 624.131, ... Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 624.131.

Structural Dynamics: Theory And Computation 2nd Ed Theory And Computation Paz, Mario

by Paz, Mario [Author].

Edition: 2ND ED 2004Material type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2004Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4)Call number: 624.131, ... Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 664.

Earthquake Resistant Design Of Structures Duggal, S K

by Duggal, S K [Author].

Edition: 2012Material type: Text Text Publication details: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2007Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4)Call number: 624.131, ... Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 624.131.

Dynamics Of Structures: Theory And Applications To Earthquake Engineering Theory And Applications To Earthquake Engineering Chopra Anil K

by Chopra Anil K [Author].

Edition: 3RD ED 2013Material type: Text Text Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2012Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4)Call number: 624.131, ... Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 624.131.

Computational Structural Mechanics RAJASEKARAN,S; Sankarsubramanian G

by RAJASEKARAN,S [Author] | Sankarsubramanian G [Author].

Edition: 2012Material type: Text Text Publication details: PHI 2012Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4)Call number: 624.131, ... Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 624.131.

Basic Soil Mechanics And Foundations Alam Singh

by Alam Singh [Author].

Edition: 2012Material type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2012Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).

Building Repair And Maintenance Management Gahlot, P S; Sanjay Sharma

by Gahlot, P S [Author] | Sanjay Sharma [Author].

Edition: 2013Material type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2013Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).

Dictionary Of Civil Engineering Ghose D N

by Ghose D N [Author].

Edition: 2012Material type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2012Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (1). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (4).

Civil Engineering Drawing And Design Ghose D N

by Ghose D N [Author].

Edition: 2ND ED 2010Material type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2012Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).

Civil Engineering (Through Objective Type Questions) Through Objective Type Questions GUPTA,S.P; Gupta S S

by GUPTA,S.P [Author] | Gupta S S [Author].

Edition: 3RD ED REVISEDMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2012Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).

Structural Design And Drawing: (Steel Structures) Vol - 3 Steel Structures Krishnamurthy D

by Krishnamurthy D [Author].

Edition: 2012Material type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2012Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).

Advanced Foundation Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Murthy V N S

by Murthy V N S [Author].

Edition: 2011Material type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2011Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (3). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).

Textbook Of Soil Mechanics And Foundation Geotechnical Engineering Series Murthy V N S

by Murthy V N S [Author].

Edition: 2013Material type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2013Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (3).

Airport Engineering: Planning And Design Planning And Design Subhash C Saxena

by Subhash C Saxena [Author].

Edition: 2012Material type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2012Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).

Strength Of Materials : Part 1 Elementary Theory And Problems TIMOSHENKO,S

by TIMOSHENKO,S [Author].

Edition: 3RD ED 2002Material type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2002Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (5).

Strength Of Materials: Part 2 Advanced Theory And Problems Advanced Theory And Problems TIMOSHENKO,S

by TIMOSHENKO,S [Author].

Edition: 3RD ED 2002Material type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2002Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).

Engineering Mechanics, Strength Of Materials And Elements Of Structural Analysis Venkatramaiah C; Narasimha Rao A V

by Venkatramaiah C [Author] | Narasimha Rao A V [Author].

Edition: 2012Material type: Text Text Publication details: CBS PUBLISHERS 2012Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (4). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).

Pile Design And Construction Practice Tomlinson Michael; Woodward John

by Tomlinson Michael [Author] | Woodward John [Author].

Edition: 5TH EDMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: Taylor And Francis 2008Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (1). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).

Global Tectonics Kearey Philip; Klepeis, Keith A; Vine, Frederick J

by Kearey Philip [Author] | Klepeis, Keith A [Author] | Vine, Frederick J [Author].

Edition: 3RD EDMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: Wiley India Pvt Ltd 2012Availability: Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).
