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Your search returned 5 results.

Triple Bottom Line Reporting And Corporate Sustainability Singh S

by Singh S [Author].

Material type: Text Text Publication details: PHI 2007Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (2).

Takeovers Restructuring And Corporate Governance Weston Fred; Mitchell, Mark L; Mulherin, Harrold J

by Weston Fred [Author] | Mitchell, Mark L [Author] | Mulherin, Harrold J [Author].

Edition: 4TH EDMaterial type: Text Text Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2006Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (1). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).

Strategic Corporate Communication Argenti Paul A

by Argenti Paul A [Author].

Material type: Text Text Publication details: TMH 2007Availability: Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).

Corporate Communication : A Guide To Theory And Practice Guide To Theory And Practice Cornelissen, Joep

by Cornelissen, Joep [Author].

Edition: 2011Material type: Text Text Publication details: Sage Www. Pub. 2011Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (1)Call number: 664.

Corporate Communication : Guide To Theory And Practice Guide To Theory And Practice Cornelissen, Joep

by Cornelissen, Joep [Author].

Edition: 2011Material type: Text Text Publication details: Sage Www. Pub. 2011Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (1).
