FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS GUPTA,S.C by GUPTA,S.C [Author]. Edition: 11Material type: Text Publication details: SULTAN CHAND & SONS Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (2)Call number: 517.9, ... Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1). Not available: AVIT Central Library: Withdrawn (7).
FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS GUPTA,S.C; Kapoor,v K by GUPTA,S.C [Author] | Kapoor,v K [Author]. Edition: 11TH EDMaterial type: Text Publication details: SULTAN CHAND & SONS Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (6)Call number: 517.9, ... Not available: AVIT Central Library: Withdrawn (19).
Thermodynamics GUPTA,S.C by GUPTA,S.C [Author]. Material type: Text Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2005Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (5). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).
Thermal Engineering GUPTA,S.C by GUPTA,S.C [Author]. Edition: 2005Material type: Text Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2005Availability: Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).
Elements Of Mathematical Statistics GUPTA,S.C; Kapoor, V K by GUPTA,S.C [Author] | Kapoor, V K [Author]. Edition: 3RD EDMaterial type: Text Publication details: SULTAN CHAND & SONS 2008Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (1). Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1). Not available: AVIT Central Library: Checked out (1).
Thermal Engineering GUPTA,S.C by GUPTA,S.C [Author]. Material type: Text Publication details: PEARSON EDUCATION 2005Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (1).
FUNDEMENTALS OF MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS GUPTA,S.C by GUPTA,S.C | Mathematics. Edition: 1999, 9TH REV.ED.,Material type: Text Language: English Publication details: SATHYA PRAKASHAN Availability: Items available for reference: AVIT Central Library: Not for loan (1).
Advanced Accounts Shukla M C by Shukla M C | Management | Grewal T S | Gupta S C. Edition: 19th ed. Language: English Publication details: New Delhi S Chand 2022Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (3)Call number: 657 SHU-A, ...