PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY JAIN,R.K by JAIN,R.K | Management. Material type: Text Language: English Publication details: KHANNA PUBLISHERS Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (3). Not available: AVIT Central Library: Withdrawn (2).
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INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT PONNUSWAMY,M by PONNUSWAMY,M [Author]. Material type: Text Language: English Publication details: OM SAKTHI PUB.,CHENNAI 1990Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (1).
ENGINEERING MECHANICS BANSAL,R K by BANSAL,R K [Author]. Material type: Text Publication details: LAXMI PUBLICATION Availability: Items available for loan: AVIT Central Library (2). Not available: AVIT Central Library: Damaged (2). AVIT Central Library: Withdrawn (6).
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